18 February 2009

Stupid Guy at the Fax Machine

Current Mood: Nauseated

Whoa-a-whoa here I go
It’s like I’m living for the first time
Whoa-a-whoa here I go
I think it is the first time I felt alive
~ “Here I Go” by Relient K

In late April there is a dinner fundraiser for the Nebraska Humane Society. It is ‘Dining for Dogs’, and one ticket admits a dog and its human for a casual dinner and socializing event. I want Elizabeth to be able to attend. Therefore, I have enrolled her in a 6 week obedience class specifically for Terriers. It is one hour a week, with only 4 dogs in the class. She is going to become a well-behaved angel.

Actually, I am not that delusional. I would, however, like her to be behaved well-enough that she can attend the event without getting either of us escorted out by the authorities. Therefore, we will be attending with optimism. Also, I eventually want her to become a therapy dog for sick kids and/or senior citizens. The only way she can become eligible for therapy classes is if she has basic obedience skills. And any dog who is as affectionate as she is should definitely have the opportunity to share some of her love with those who need it.

I must start somewhere with her. As it is, she is progressively becoming less obedient with each passing day. I blame the riff-raff she hangs out with all day. To be fair, Sleepy and Romeo are actually pretty obedient dogs – even if they don’t know any tricks – but I will place the blame of her behavior on someone besides myself.

Oh, and before I forget: when I started writing this, there was a stupid guy at the fax machine. He is gone now.

PERSONAL NOTE: Thanks for calling last night! It was nice to hear your voice.

CONFIDENTIAL NOTE: Are you ‘just not that into me’? LOL hee hee

Eidetic Vision

Main Entry: ei·det·ic Pronunciation: I-'det-ik Function: adjective : marked by or involving extraordinarily accurate and vivid recall especially of visual images - an eidetic memory Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.