28 February 2015

On a Scale of 1 - 5, I'll give it an 11

In July 2014, I went to a movie with Girl Twin. We saw something scary, though I have forgotten the title. While watching the film, I peeled all my fake fingernails off, and damaged my thumbnail in the process. It hurt for days. But, I decided then and there that  would stop biting my nails. And I did; for a few months. My new nails grew back brittle and weak. Each time one broke, I would have to glue a fake fingernail over it to prevent me from biting again.

Fast forward to the month of February 2015. My nails are the longest they have been in years. They are finally healthy -- for the most part. I paint them to prevent me from biting. The issue now is that when the paint on one nail chips, I find myself peeling the nail polish off all of them. Clearly, it is an OCD issue; probably the same one that makes me want to bite them. I don't mind the temptation. It serves as a reminder that I can still earn the "W", even when the outcome isn't perfect. 

That is a lesson I wish I would have learned 20 years ago. I suppose there are a lot of things we wish we had done, seen, avoided, etc. over the years. There's still time.      

27 February 2015

Almost missed it

My timing is off tonight. I realized that I hadn't written what I had intended and now it's almost midnight. So... Here's the deal. Tomorrow, I will write something that will require twice the effort. And tonight, I will just say that I am missing my Texas peeps more than usual. I'm not sure if it is because y'all got to play in the snow or if it has just been too long since I've visited; either way, know that you are loved.

Sweet dreams.

26 February 2015

Day Nine

Recently, someone I know referred to sleep as "one of life's simple pleasures".  Pleasurable as sleep can be, it is far from simple. Even now, with a relatively stable sleep cycle, I have to dot every "t" and cross every "i" . . . wait, strike that; reverse it. My sleep will never be simple; its complexity ensures I will never take it for granted. I am okay with that fact.

What I am not okay with is forgetting that a Groupon is expiring. Bloody hell. I had every intention of ordering this wooden photograph puzzle with a picture of me and little buddy. I was going to give it to him for St Patrick's Day. Now if I want the puzzle, I have to pay full price. Sure, I can use the amount I paid for the Groupon towards the puzzle -- but, then I am paying full price PLUS shipping. If I wanted to pay full price and shipping, I would not have purchased the damn Groupon. I don't know how this happens. I look at the dates, I tell myself I have a deadline, and still, I end up doing them at the last minute OR missing them by a day.

From this moment forward, I vow to not allow another Groupon to expire unused. The next one expires on March 18, 2015. That gives me twenty days to . . . attend 10 classes. Looks like someone is starting Yoga on Saturday!

It seemed like a good idea at the time. I thought it would help me relax.


25 February 2015


Tonight, I have freshly laundered sheets and a bed practically to myself. Yes, it is true that Grace is perched on her stack of pillows, and Elizabeth is wrapped in her own clean sheet at the bottom of the bed; however, I have 7/8 of the bed to myself. Unlike the guests we have had, these two creatures mind their own business and know not to walk on me while I am sleeping. It is heavenly.

My humidifier is running on high, so no chapped lips in the morning --which makes me very happy . . . . even if there will be snow on the ground. This whole winter thing is getting out of hand. Though they say "If March comes in like a lion, it leaves like a lamb." I could use a little lamb-like Spring.

I am looking forward to Thursday and all the fun and excitement of an icy drive into work. It is a good thing I leave so early in the morning - fewer cars to avoid. With that thought in mind, I am logging off and shutting down for the night.

Be excellent to one another . . . and party on, dudes!

24 February 2015

Day Seven

And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. - Genesis 2:3 KJV
Even religion recognizes the need for rest. Think back to the night I asked you what price you would pay for a good night's sleep. Did an answer even cross your mind before you closed your eyes and drifted to sleep? Probably not; it was a rhetorical question.

I painted my nails twice tonight. The first time,I didn't wait long enough between coats. Removed the polish and tried again. The second time, I had to corral an unruly pup when I was in the middle of a second coat. Removed the polish and did not try again. Tonight is my last night of dog sitting - so instead of worrying about my nails, I decided to give in to the chaos.

It was the right decision. I now have three dogs that are sleeping soundly and one that is almost ready to hunker down for the night. Even Princess Grace is ready for sleepy time.

Good night, moon.  

23 February 2015

Day Six

I read my first Dean Koontz book when I was in middle school. I instantly fell in love with his ability to write about evil without destroying hope. 

In the years since that trip through The Funhouse, I have relished each and every moment spent inside the pages of his books. Everything he has published can be found here. I have read them all. I lived the stories with the characters. Their journeys became mine. 

I want to write like that. I want to write something that allows the reader to suspend all disbelief and become a part of the story . . . and when the final page is read, I want the reader to close the book and feel as if he's saying goodbye to a friend. -- 

Until tomorrow.


22 February 2015

Day Five

I love watching the Academy Awards. It is the only Award show that I believe deserves a party. Luckily for me, I have a friend that not only shares my love for the Oscars, but is willing to throw a party to watch the incredibly long live production. As with most themed parties, this one encourages a costume; think 2014-ish movie inspiration or character.

My date, Mr. Renaissance, was willing to play along. He was an incredibly realistic Nick Dunne from Gone Girl; while I attempted to resemble Det. Rhonda Boney of the same film. We didn't win best costumes, but we definitely get A+ for effort. Yay for participation and enthusiasm!!

Unfortunately, my laptop is about to die, and I am awake well past my bedtime. I promise to write something better tomorrow. Until then, be well.

21 February 2015

Day Four

Did you happen to look at the sky tonight around dusk? If you did, then you were able to witness a very heavenly romance; Mars and Venus were close enough in the night sky to almost kiss . . .while the Cheshire Cat smiled a few degrees above them. 

I woke up early this morning to bake scones. They turned out amazing. I don't like buying scones from most bakeries because they are over handled. Usually, the dough is compressed into smooth shapes -- not the spiky blobs they are supposed to be. My scones were airy and crumbly when I broke them open. I probably didn't need to add butterscotch and chocolate chips. They were far sweeter than I intended. Later in the week, I may make some Asiago cheese scones.

Tomorrow, however, I will be making Red Carpet Cupcakes for the Oscars Party I am attending. I am looking forward to the event. My friend throws it every year. It's a potluck; so there will be plenty of food and beverages to consume while we watch. I haven't seen all of the movies nominated; but I still enjoy the suspense when they open the envelope and pause . . .   

20 February 2015

Day Three

We've all heard the saying, "You can sleep when you're dead." Anyone who says that with conviction must be getting enough sleep.

Most of the people I come across want more sleep. Think back to the last time you had a terrible night's sleep. Maybe you were up all night with a new baby. Perhaps you were up late working to meet a deadline . . . or pulling an all-nighter with a special someone. The why is not important; the fallout is our focus. How do you feel after one night with little to no sleep?


What happens when you have to repeat that cycle for days, weeks, months, or years? At what point will a body force itself into sleep mode? I don't know the definitive answer; only that it's a lot longer than whatever number is in your head. Sleep deprivation is torture. Anyone who has ever gone without adequate sleep for an extended period of time can attest to this fact.

I want to write more . . . but, I cannot. My bedtime tonight is 00:00 and I am cutting it close.

Let me leave you with a question to ponder:

What price would you be willing to pay for a good night's sleep? I know my answer; it is more than I had ever imagined.

Sweet dreams!! More tomorrow.

19 February 2015

Day Two

I am not alone.

Within 15 feet of me are five living and breathing creatures; four of which are actually within arm's reach. I have one little Shih Tzu resting her head on my left arm as I type. There is an extremely bitchy cat flicking me with her tail. The other Shih Tzu is looking back and forth between me and the cat -- neither of us are in the mood to play with him right now. Of course, Ebie is lying at the bottom of the bed, wrapped in a blanket cocoon, and snuggled up against my left leg. The five of us will spend the next 8 or so hours on this very comfortable, full size bed. 

Wait a second, I mentioned five creatures . . .  whom have I forgotten? 

Gustaph Schmurr . . . the sweetest, quietest, most well-behaved creature ever to reside in this home. That's right, folks, Gustaph is my baby sister's beloved St. Bernard. While Lulu and my brother-in-law are building their dream home on one of the Hawaiian islands, I get to hang out with Gustaph..

18 February 2015

Day One

It's Ash Wednesday.

There are five minutes between now and the beginning of my bedtime ritual. That means five minutes to think and ponder and write whatever comes to my mind before I become a slave to my sleep. I have spent decades wondering why sleep evaded me when I desperately needed it . . .  only to envelop me when I wanted to stay awake for more important ventures. Not anymore.

Now, I have a regular sleep schedule; it runs with the precision of a British bank in Edwardian England. I will tell you all about it tomorrow. Cross my heart; not a pie crust promise.


Eidetic Vision

Main Entry: ei·det·ic Pronunciation: I-'det-ik Function: adjective : marked by or involving extraordinarily accurate and vivid recall especially of visual images - an eidetic memory Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.